
The Standard Phrases
window provides a simple way to re-use common phrases in the cashbook.
Let's say, for example, you are a gardener and you often use the phrase "Lawn mowing standard service, including
edging." when selling your lawn mowing service. Rather than typing that
sentence into every entry for that service, you could type it once into the Standard Phrases window,
and it will be available from a list of standard phrases the next
time you make an entry for receiving money.
of Phrases
phrase may be set up as being one of three types, as indicated at
the top of the window. The types are : Receiving Money Phrases;
Spending Money Phrases and General Comments. Receiving Money Phrases
are available when you make entries for money received, Spending
Money Phrases are available when you make entries for money spent,
and General Comments are available in all types of windows, for
items such as entry summaries.
adding a phrase you need to decide which type it should be, by
clicking on the appropriate type at the top of the window. After
selecting a type, click the New button and enter the phrase in the
new window which appears.
and Editing Existing Phrases
If you
need to find a phrase which you have created previously, for example
because you need to change the spelling, there are several features
that help you look through the phrases.
Firstly, at the top of the phrase column there are two arrowheads
beside the column name. These are sort arrows, and allow you to
alphanumerically re-order the list. The upward arrowhead orders the
column from a to z. The downward arrowhead orders the column from z
to a. When you click on an arrowhead, the other arrowhead disappears
to indicate that the list has now been sorted. To un-sort the list,
click on the arrowhead again, and the other arrowhead will reappear.
Secondly, the Search button at the bottom of the window allows you
to search through the current list for a particular item. Don't
forget that it will search only in the type of phrases you have
selected at the top of the window, so make sure you have selected
the correct type first.
When you have found an item which you wish to change, type into its
box in the list.
You may
delete a phrase at any time, whether or not it has been used in an
entry in the cashbook.